
8035 E RL Thornton Fwy PMB 1009

Dallas, TX 75228

+1 (877) 516- 9951

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Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 10:00pm

Chlorella Pure


Introducing Chlorella Pure by Natural Affects – your ultimate companion for achieving optimal health and wellness. Sourced from pristine waters, our Chlorella Pure is a powerful superfood brimming with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This microscopic green algae is renowned for its remarkable health benefits, such as immune support, detoxification, and increased energy levels.

Our chlorella undergoes a thorough process to break down cell walls, improving digestibility and maximizing nutrient absorption. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a busy professional, or simply someone who prioritizes a healthy lifestyle, Chlorella Pure offers the vital nourishment your body needs.

Embark on your wellness journey and discover the natural, rejuvenating power of this exceptional superfood. Give it a try today and feel the transformative effects!

SUGGESTED USE: Take one (1) capsule twice a day. For best results take 20-30 min before a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*